The 46th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2020
Modulated structures
Modulated structures
11-12 January 2024
Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnicka 10, Prague, Czech Republic
Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnicka 10, Prague, Czech Republic
(Detailed program will appear HERE)
The program is composed of four sessions. Each session
starts with a lecture and continues with practical
exercises. For practical exercises, the users will be provided
with a cookbook, installation files and necessary data.
Preliminary experience with Jana2006/Jana2020 will be advantage.
The workshop is OFF LINE.
Schedule of the workshop (Prague time):
Day 1, morning: Modulated structures
Lecture: Introduction to modulated structures
Day 1, afternoon: Crenel modulation
Lecture: Modulation functions
Day 2, morning: Modulations of organic molecules
Lecture: Restraints and constraints in Jana2020
Day 2, afternoon: Commensurate and composite structures
Lecture: Commensurate and composite structures
Lecture: Introduction to modulated structures
Day 1, afternoon: Crenel modulation
Lecture: Modulation functions
Day 2, morning: Modulations of organic molecules
Lecture: Restraints and constraints in Jana2020
Day 2, afternoon: Commensurate and composite structures
Lecture: Commensurate and composite structures
Each participant should have a laptop or PC with operating
system Windows 8,10,11, with Administration rights. The recommended screen resolution
is FullHD (1920x1080 pixels) or higher.
Installation of all necessary
software will be done at the beginning of the workshop.
Please let us know in advance if you cannot come with a notebook.
Workshop cookbook
Participants will be provided with the latest version of the Jana2020 Cookbook.
The Cookbook cumulates detailed instructions for all examples
presented so far in some of Jana2020 workshops.
1 | Joanna Krzeszczakowska, Polad |
2 | Anna Makal, Poland |
3 | Wojciech Slawinski, Poland |
4 | Aleksandra Zwolenik, POland |
5 | Roza Jastrzebska, Poland |
6 | Piotr Rejnhardt, Poland |
7 | Ola G. Grendal, Norway |
8 | Magdalena Konefal, Czechia |
9 | free |
10 | free |
11 | free |
12 | free |
Registration to this workshop is open.
For registration please send e-mail to Michal Dusek, dusek@fzu.cz
Connection to on line workshop
No online connection
The workshop is organized by Department of structure analysis at the
Institute of Physics and Special interest group on aperiodic crystals
at ECA.
Institute of Physics has two buildings 15 km apart!
Make sure you are travelling to proper building at Cukrovarnicka street 10, Prague 6.
Taxi: We recommend using
AAA taxi.
Yellow cars are located in front of the Vaclav Havel airport terminals.
Public transport: Connections can be found at the DPP web page.
The target stations Sibeliova or Vozovna Stresovice are within 150 m from the institute.
For accomodation, we recommend several hotels withing walking distance to the institute:
At the canteen of the institute, for 85 CZK
Coffee breaks
100 CZK for two days - will be collected during the workshop
There are no registration fees for Jana workshops.
Consequently, no financial support can be provided.
Photo gallery