On Line: The 44th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana
Magnetic structures
Magnetic structures
25-28 April 2022
Broadcasted from Prague, Czech Republic
Broadcasted from Prague, Czech Republic
(Detailed program will appear HERE)
The program is composed of four sessions. Each session
starts with a lecture and continues with practical
exercises. For practical exercises, the users will be provided
with a cookbook, installation files and necessary data.
For this workshop, a preliminary experience with Jana2006/Jana2020 is not needed.
Schedule of the workshop (Prague time):
Session 1, Monday 25 April 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Lectures: Magnetism, Magnetic symmetry, Representation analysis
Session 2, Tuesday 26 April 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Introduction to Jana2020, application to 3d magnetic structures
Session 3, Wednesday 27 April 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Introduction to superspace, application to modulated structures
Session 4, Thursday 28 April 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Magnetic superspace groups, solution of modulated magnetic structures
Lectures: Magnetism, Magnetic symmetry, Representation analysis
Session 2, Tuesday 26 April 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Introduction to Jana2020, application to 3d magnetic structures
Session 3, Wednesday 27 April 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Introduction to superspace, application to modulated structures
Session 4, Thursday 28 April 2022, 1-5 p.m.
Magnetic superspace groups, solution of modulated magnetic structures
Each participant should have a laptop or PC with operating
system Windows10, with Administration rights. The minimum screen resolution
is FullHD (1920x1080 pixels).
Installation of all necessary
software will be done at the beginning of the workshop.
Workshop cookbook
Participants will be provided with the latest version of the Jana2020 Cookbook.
The Cookbook cumulates detailed instructions for all examples
presented so far in some of Jana2020 workshops.
1 | free |
2 | Thomaz Andrade |
3 | Pengyun Chen, Bremen |
4 | Zheting Chu, Shenzhen |
5 | Shimao Deng, Shenzhen |
6 | P. Pandi, Tamil Nadu |
7 | Monika Gamza, Preston |
8 | CMN Kumar, Zagreb |
9 | Hari Nair, El Paso |
10 | Miguel Pardo, Zaragoza |
11 | Fabio Sce, Zaragoza |
12 | Federico Cova, Zaragoza |
13 | Vitalii Shtender, Uppsala |
14 | Juan Pablo Bolletta, Caen |
15 | Raul E. Carbonio, Cordoba |
16 | Ana Larralde, San Martin |
17 | Nadine Lammer, Munich |
18 | Srikanta Goswami, Prague |
19 | Margarita Dronova, Moscow |
20 | Naveen Kumar, Zagreb |
21 | Yongsheng Zhao, Desy |
22 | Rahul Kumar, Bangalore |
23 | Fred Montalvo Amanca, Lima |
24 | Jakub Obuch, Praha |
25 | Ce Tao, Beijing |
26 | Michal Jambor, Brno |
27 | Shao-Liang Zheng, Harvard |
28 | Andrey Dyakonov, Moscow |
29 | Natalia Katorova, Moscow |
30 | Avantika Hasija, Bhopal |
31 | Koushik Mandal, Bhopal |
32 | Shubham Som, Bhopal |
33 | Anila M Menon, Bhopal |
34 | Yogesh Dhasmana, Bhopal |
35 | Alexander Golubnichiy, Moscow |
36 | Andrei Alex Bardin, Moscow |
37 | Sai Pranav, Bangalore |
38 | Shashwat Singh, Bangalore |
39 | Rishikesh V, Bangalore |
40 | Krishnakanth Sada@materials, Oxford |
41 | Yinlin Chen, Manchester |
42 | Luana Caron, Bielefeld |
43 | Marija Zoric, Zagreb |
44 | Mijanul Islam, Siliguri |
45 | Suchandra Goswami, Neotia |
46 | Long Nguyen, San Diego |
47 | Hector Cein Mandujano, Maryland |
48 | free |
49 | free |
50 | free |
Registration to this workshop is open.
For registration please send e-mail to Michal Dusek, dusek@fzu.cz
Connection to on line workshop
The workshop is organized wioth help of Zoom.
Participants are required to install Zoom before the event.
Detailed zoom instructions will be distributed before the workshop.
The workshop is organized by Department of structure analysis at the
Institute of Physics and Special interest group on aperiodic crystals
at ECA.
Participants will use their favorite methods and transportation tools to reach their
laptops and computers.
There are no registration fees for Jana workshops.
Consequently, no financial support can be provided.
Photo gallery