The 38th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006
Electron diffraction
Electron diffraction
2 - 3 December 2019
Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnicka 10, Praha 6, Czech Republic
Library Lecture Room at the buildings A (2nd floor).
Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnicka 10, Praha 6, Czech Republic
Library Lecture Room at the buildings A (2nd floor).
This workshop will explain basic steps with Jana2006 using single crystal
and powder examples of standard and modulated structures.
The workshop starts at 9am and finishes at 6pm.
(Detailed program will appear HERE)
The program is composed of four halfdays. Each halfday
starts with a lecture and continues with practical
exercises. For practical exercises the users will be provided
with a printed cookbook and with a flash disk containing the
cookbook, installation files and data.
For this workshop, a preliminary experience with Jana2006 is not required.
Jana2006 and related software will be installed or updated at the beginning of the workshop.
Program highlights:
- Theoretical introduction to experimental and data-processing methods for electron crystallography
- Basic introduction to Jana2006 - standard x-ray structure
- Demonstration of data collection
- Data processing of diffraction tomography data - preparation of input for Jana2006
- Kinematical structure refinement from electron diffraction data
- Structure refinement using dynamical diffraction theory
- Basic introduction to Jana2006 - standard x-ray structure
- Demonstration of data collection
- Data processing of diffraction tomography data - preparation of input for Jana2006
- Kinematical structure refinement from electron diffraction data
- Structure refinement using dynamical diffraction theory
Each participant should bring a laptop with operating
system WindowsXP or higher, with Administration rights.
Installation of all necessary
software will be done at the beginning of the workshop.
Wireless internet connection including Eduroam is available
at the lecture room. Limited number of computers can be
provided to people without laptop (please inform us before
the workshop that this would be needed)
Workshop cookbook
Workshop cookbook cumulates examples from all Jana workshops. The latest
version together with example files and installations files is available
in jana page:
cookbook.zip (> 100MB).
Please note that the wokshop may be cancelled when number of participants is below five.
Name | Days | Note | |
1 | Asma Mansouri, Paris | 1,2 | |
2 | Emilia Goetz, Darmstadt | 1,2 | |
3 | Philipp Golle, Darmstadt | 1,2 | |
4 | Celine Besnard, Geneva | 1,2 | |
5 | Yashar Sadian, Geneva | 1,2 | |
6 | Roy Copley, GSK | 1,2 | |
7 | Simon Parsons, Edinburgh | 1,2 | |
8 | Ed Broadhurst, Edinburgh | 1,2 | |
9 | Fabio Nudelman, Edinburgh | 1,2 | |
10 | Richard Cooper, Oxford | 1,2 | |
11 | Andrea Griesi, Pisa | 1,2 | |
12 | Duncan Johnstone | 1,2 | |
13 | Sean COllins, Cambridge | 1,2 | |
14 | Philip Crout, Cambridge | 1,2 | |
15 | Rimon Tamari, Beer-Sheva | 1,2 | |
16 | Jungyoun Cho, Stockholm | 1,2 | |
17 | Claudia Jeannette Aparicio Ordonez, Rez | 1,2 | |
18 | Sergei Ivlev, Marburg | 1,2 | |
19 | Pengyun Chen, Bremen | 1,2 | |
20 | Michal Mazur, Prague | 1,2 | |
21 | Ang Li, Prague | 1,2 | |
22 | 1,2 |
Registration to this workshop is closed.
The workshop is organized by Department of structure analysis at the
Institute of Physics, Special interest group on aperiodic crystals
(SIG3) and Special interest group on electron crystallogrpahy (SIG4) at
ECA. The date and program are created in collaboration with
Transportation from the Vaclav Havel airport in Prague
Institute of Physics has two buildings 15 km apart!
Make sure you are travelling to proper building at Cukrovarnicka street 10, Prague 6.
By taxi: AAA taxi - the yellow cars located in front of terminals -
costs approximately 400 CZK (15 Euro) to "Hotel u Sladku" as well as to the Institute.
By public transport:
Connections can be found at the DPP web page
Options to find connections from the airport to Hotel u Sladku: FROM "Airport" TO "U Kastanu" VIA "Vypich" TRANSFERS "1".
Options to find connections from the airport to the Institute of Physics: FROM "Airport" TO "Sibeliova" VIA "Petriny" TRANSFERS "1"
Options to find connections from Hotel u Sladku to the Institute of Physics: FROM "U Kastanu" TO "Vozovna Stresovice"
By public transport:
Connections can be found at the DPP web page
Options to find connections from the airport to Hotel u Sladku: FROM "Airport" TO "U Kastanu" VIA "Vypich" TRANSFERS "1".
Options to find connections from the airport to the Institute of Physics: FROM "Airport" TO "Sibeliova" VIA "Petriny" TRANSFERS "1"
Options to find connections from Hotel u Sladku to the Institute of Physics: FROM "U Kastanu" TO "Vozovna Stresovice"
Limited numer of rooms is available at
the three-star "Hotel u Sladku". This hotel has
very good public transport connection to the airport, to
the main railway station, to the Prague city centre and to
the Institute of Physics. The institute can also be reached by foot (20 minutes).
Free wireless connection is available in most of rooms.
For season-dependent prices per night please see the hotel web page.
Payment in Czech Crowns or in Euros. Breakfast included. Public
transport tickets on sale.
For booking please use the online form at the
hotel web page: www.hotelusladku.cz
At the canteen of the Institute, for 65 CZK - paid on arrival
Coffee breaks
50 CZK per day - paid on arrival
There are no registration fees for Jana2006 workshops.
Consequently, no financial support can be provided.
Photo gallery